Library Donations

Donate now

Your tax-deductible contribution helps advance library services, collections and facilities.
  • Send in your contribution by mail to:  E.D. Locke Public Library,  5920 Milwaukee St., McFarland, WI  53558
  • Drop off in person at the library. Please make checks payable to E.D. Locke Public Library.

Donate books and other materials

Give your “gently used" books and audiobooks on CD another life! Some materials may be added to the library’s collection, while others may go into the Friends of the McFarland Library book sales. Proceeds fund special projects. Contributions are tax-deductible. Drop materials off at the library. If our building is closed due to COVID-19, please call us at 608-838-9030 to arrange a drop off.

Because of their limited value to the library, we are no longer able to accept:

  • Textbooks and encyclopedias
  • Used workbooks and personal journals
  • Reader's Digest condensed books
  • Newspapers or magazines (except craft and cooking magazines)
  • Audiovisual materials that don't work or are missing parts
  • Personal cassettes, videos and CDs
  • VHS tapes
  • Cassette tapes
  • Music CDs

See our Donation Policy for full details. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself before donating - Would I buy these items myself at a used bookstore?

Donate your time and talent

Volunteers provide essential support for building the library’s collection. Call the library at 838-9030, or ask at the circulation desk.

Endowment Fund

The E.D. Locke Public Library Endowment Fund is a long term investment in the future of our library and our community. The interest generated from the endowment fund will help fund programs, events, and/or purchase new technologies for the library and the community. The endowment will augment, not replace, municipal funding. Visit the Library Endowment Fund page for more information.

Friends of the McFarland Library

Join the Friends of the McFarland Library.  Click Here for information.

Leave a Legacy

Remember E.D. Locke Public Library in your will, or make a different kind of planned gift.